关于「 reduction」的内容列表

Class A shares "chip brother" was suddenly reduced, the edible oil giant's revenue and net profit fell last year, and the market value of 100 billion yuan changed coaches... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?

Class A shares "chip brother" was suddenly reduced, the edible oil giant's revenue and net profit fell last year, and the market value of 100 billion yuan changed coaches... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?

2025-02-20 13:37:37
BlackRock will cut approximately 1% of its workforce to realign resources with its strategy

BlackRock (BLK. N), which expanded its business in private-market assets and data last year with acquisitions worth more than $25 billion, has told its employees it will cut about 1 percent of its workforce. BlackRock president Rob Kapito and chief operating officer Rob Goldstein told employees in a memo on Wednesday that they plan to realign resources with strategy through layoffs and other measures. The company has more than 21,000 employees, meaning about 200 people will be affected.

2025-01-08 18:26:50
Previous: Reduction of delivery fees and other related fees in 2025

Gold Ten Futures, December 27th, according to the announcement of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, the delivery fee of each variety will be temporarily exempted (including futures to spot and standard warehouse receipt transfer, etc., which are settled through the exchange and charged according to the delivery standard). The handling fee for standard warehouse receipts as margin will be charged at a preferential rate of 0.1% (annualized). The hedging transa...

2024-12-27 09:30:25
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Notice on Extending the Period of Periodic Reduction of Visa Fees for Visas to China

On December 27, the visa fee reduction measures for Chinese embassies and consulates abroad will be extended until December 31, 2025. For details, please consult the local Chinese embassy and consulate.

2024-12-27 07:25:01
MLF shrinkage continues to 300 billion Wang Qing: RRR cut window still exists, helping government bond issuance

On December 25th, today, the central bank continued to do 300 billion yuan MLF, win the bidding interest rate to maintain 2%, compared with the maturity of 1.45 trillion yuan, a significant reduction of 1.15 trillion yuan. Wang Qing, chief macro analyst at Oriental Jincheng, pointed out that the reduction operation is related to the early release of medium-term liquidity by the central bank in November and the recent easing of funds. Wang Qing expects that the RRR cut is still possible before th...

2024-12-25 07:10:45
The statement shows that AMD (AMD. O) will lay off about 4% of its global workforce.

The statement shows that AMD (AMD. O) will lay off about 4% of its global workforce.

2024-11-13 15:47:20
In the first three quarters, support for technological innovation and manufacturing tax cuts, fee reductions and tax refunds exceeded 2 trillion yuan

On November 9th, the State Administration of Taxation released data on the 9th showing that in the first three quarters of this year, the main policies supporting the development of scientific and technological innovation and manufacturing were tax cuts and tax refunds of 2.0868 trillion yuan. Among them, R & D expenses plus deduction and other policies to support increased investment in science and technology, transfer of achievements and the introduction and training of scientific and technolo...

2024-11-09 14:16:14
Ministry of Commerce and other six departments: appropriately reduce the shareholding ratio and shareholding lock-up period requirements

On November 1st, it was reported that the shareholding ratio and shareholding lock-up period requirements should be appropriately reduced. The original "Measures" stipulated that the proportion of shares of listed companies obtained by foreign investors in the first strategic investment of listed companies should be more than 10%, and the shares obtained shall not be transferred within three years. In this amendment, combined with the securities market regulatory rules, we will abolish the share...

2024-11-01 12:44:51
1. The "large-scale" bond plan may be announced next week. The market is expected to be between 3 trillion and 6 trillion yuan. 2. Central Bank of China: As of the end of September,...

1. The "large-scale" bond conversion plan may be announced next week. The market is expected to be between 3 trillion and 6 trillion yuan. 2. The People's Bank of China: As of the end of September, the custody balance of foreign institutions in China's bond market was 4.43 trillion yuan. 3. The Ministry of Finance issued 2 senior bonds with a total of 5 billion RMB, with coupon rates of 1.83% and 2.05% respectively. 4. One-click redemption of the bond base is still being staged. The share of the...

2024-10-31 08:33:52
Tangshan Sanyou and Haitian reduced production and ran, and the trend of soda ash was strong!

Gold Ten Futures October 29th news, soda ash main contract strong volatility, up nearly 2% in the day. SDIC Anxin Futures said that Tangshan Sanyou production reduction operation, coupled with the strong operation of glass, the strong trend of futures. Monday industry continued to accumulate, the current inventory accumulated to 1.663 million tons, downstream raw material inventory rose slightly to nearly 15 days. Haitian production reduction impact, weekly production fell slightly, but still ma...

2024-10-29 01:31:03
Moutai Hong Kong dealers began to "rush" and cut prices by nearly 1,000 Hong Kong dollars to sell Feitian

On October 21, a Hong Kong-based Moutai distributor in North Point began to reduce prices. In 2022/2023, the 500ml Feitian Moutai will be reduced from the original price of 3280 Hong Kong dollars to 2380 Hong Kong dollars, and the price will be about 2166 yuan. The price is basically the same as or even lower than the retail price in mainland China. The distributor's website claims to be "the store with the most complete variety of Moutai liquor in Hong Kong." In addition to Feitian Moutai, the ...

2024-10-21 11:13:26
Block subsidies have become the main source of income for bitcoin miners, accounting for over 98%.

The halving impact led to a decrease in fee income, and block subsidies became the main source of income for bitcoin miners. Of the $25.35 million miners earned per day on September 13, only $398,860 came from transaction fees, or just 1.6% of total revenue. This is a significant change from the previous period, when transaction fees topped out at more than 40% of miners' revenue. Analysts say that with block subsidies halved every four years, transaction fees will only grow in importance in cyb...

2024-09-19 20:29:10
Grass: Still fine-tuning the system, the amount of tokens in the airdrop page is not final

On September 7, the Grass Foundation issued a statement saying that it is fine-tuning the detection system to reduce false positives, which means that the amount of tokens displayed on the airdrop inspection page is not the final result.

2024-09-07 06:06:21

7x24 快讯

07:33 2025-03-16
XRP/ETH汇率创2020年3月以来新高,XRP FDV超ETH达2387.5亿美元
行情数据显示,XRP/ETH 汇率一度升至 0.00128,现已回落至 0.00123,创 2020 年 3 月以来新高。此外,以 FDV 数据计算,XRP FDV 市值为 2387.5 亿美元,ETH 市值为 2321.8 亿美元。
07:30 2025-03-16
据 Solana 生态稳定币基础设施协议 Perena 创始人 Anna Yuan 援引 Artemis 平台数据称,Solana 生态稳定币 TVL 占比已突破 5%;2 个月前,即今年 1 月初,这一数值仅为不到 3%。目前排在 Solana 前面的为稳定币 TVL 超 1000 亿美元的以太坊生态和稳定币 TVL 超 500 亿美元的 TRON 波场生态。
07:09 2025-03-16
Binance Wallet:已在Binance现货上架的项目将不再在Binance Alpha上展示
据官方公告,Binance Wallet 表示,Binance Alpha 作为上币前筛选代币池,一旦 Binance Alpha 上的项目在 Binance 现货上架,它将不再在 Binance Alpha 上展示。 自 Binance Alpha 平台推出以来,7 个热门代币已在 Binance 现货上市,包括 COOKIE、AIXBT、CGPT、Cheems、TST、SHELL、GPS。
06:59 2025-03-16
DFG创始人James回应“疑似DFG创始人地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI和MKR”:该地址是Jsquare的自有资金持仓的地址之一,与DFG无关。他还表示,Jsquare最近完成了5000万美元的新一期一级基金募集,接下来几个月会大量投资项目。 此前消息,疑似DFG创始人地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI和MKR,总价值1868万美元。
06:11 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,互操作性协议Union发推表示,Union代币经济学的早期草案通过Union Notion泄露。该草案是在 Union Labs的A轮融资之前创建的。自那时起,情况发生了很大变化,该文件不再代表对Union代币经济学的当前思考。目前尚未就任何与代币经济学相关的事项做出任何决定。Union代币经济学团队正在不断研究其他项目的最佳做法,并调整计划,以便长期为Union社区提供最佳服务。
05:31 2025-03-16
据 Ultrasound.money 数据,以太坊过去 7 日净供应量增加 16805 枚,其中供应量增加约18000枚 ETH,通过销毁机制销毁了 1194枚 ETH。供应量增长率目前为每年 0.727%。
04:40 2025-03-16
3 月 16 日消息,Aave 联创 Stani 在近期宣布推出 RWA 产品 Horizon,但暗示可能会推出 Horizon 代币,这也遭受了社区的质疑。根据 Temp Check,Horizon 的部分利润将分配给 Aave DAO,以及如果推出代币将把 15% 分配给 Aave DAO。 社区认为,新的代币和品牌会带走 Aave 的价值。L1D 投资合伙人 0xLouisT 表示,为新业务线推出新代币是一种骗局。Stani 对此回应道,Aave DAO 的总体...
04:30 2025-03-16
以太坊客户端Nethermind负责人Marek Moraczyński在X平台发文称,超过80%的以太坊全节点磁盘空间被历史记录占用,因此不需要数据来验证新区块,在新版1.3.1中,Nethermind已准备好通过ERA文件删除合并前历史记录,所有团队都同意在5月1日执行相关操作。如果删除所有区块和所有收据且只保留验证最新区块所需的数据,完整节点容量将小于200 GB。
04:18 2025-03-16
疑似归属于DFG创始人的地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI 和 MKR
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,疑似归属于DFG创始人James Wo(@realjameswo)的地址已囤积总价值1868万美元的UNI和MKR,02.03以来该地址累计从Binance提出197万枚UNI(1767万美元),均价8.97美元,目前浮亏535.7万美元;此外五小时前还提出了102万美元的MKR。
04:15 2025-03-16
04:03 2025-03-16
金色午报 | 3月16日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:萨尔瓦多、Kaito AI、AVAX、MNT 1.美国现货比特币ETF本周净流出8.299亿美元; 2.以太坊开发者:加密钱包将在几年内整合agents; 3.巴基斯坦成立加密货币委员会监管区块链和数字资产; 4.萨尔瓦多过去7日增持13枚比特币,目前总持仓达6117.18枚; 5.美国现货比特币ETF的累计净流入已降至1月2日以来最低水平; 6.Kaito AI创始人:已更改密码,遭遇的可能是与Jupiter类似的...
03:51 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,据Bubblemaps,尽管LIBRA项目负责人HaydenDavis遭到国际刑警组织通缉,但他仍然推出了新代币WOLF。 上周,有传言称,被称为“华尔街之狼”的Jordan Belfort将推出自己的代币WOLF。WOLF与Hayden Davis推出的另一款代币HOOD的图案相同,而WOLF代币的创建者则指向Hayden Davis的地址。